Company Overview
SignalSEC is a research company that provides information security services.The main mission of SignalSEC is providing effective vulnerability research services to the customers.
Active in community
SignalSEC Research team is the most active team in international infosec community from Turkey. Researchers of SignalSEC regularly speak at international security conferences, discover vulnerabilities and publish security advisories.
We believe in offensive security
We are motivated by a desire to discover new vulnerabilities and develop exploits. Some software vendors affected by these vulnerabilities include: Microsoft, Adobe, Facebook, IBM, Novell, HTC and Wonderware.
Trusted by respected corporations
SignalSEC has been working with respected corporations in Europe , Middle East and Africa since 2011. SignalSEC has given consultancy and training services to Banks, GSM, CERT , Military and Police institutions.
Featured in
SignalSEC is a well-known research company. SignalSEC has been featured in Forbes , NTV/CNBC, US-CERT before.
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